Gori residents to have completely upgraded park soon

Refurbishment of the Culture and Recreation Park (Akhalbaghi) is underway in Gori Town now.
The project undergoes implementation by Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) with the GEL 9.3-million financial support from the World Bank (WB).
As a result of refurbishment of damaged and useless “Akhalbaghi” Park, residents of Gori Town and its visitors will be able to have a rest at thoroughly upgraded, and landscaped park. The upgraded park will actively host the events to be held there.
The refurbishment project envisages site landscaping; new pedestrian paths, pergolas and sports zone are to be arranged there; present artificial lake and 2 fountains, being at the central entrance to the park, undergo rehabilitation too; administrative and other structures and buildings, located on the site of the park, are also to be refurbished; public WC and spaces for open cafés are to be arranged as well. The project provides for the new engineering network that includes arranging of automated systems of sewage as well as of water supply and irrigation.
The park is to be divided into various types of sports, cultural and recreation spaces. There will be formed also the new areas that will make that park much more comfortable not only for children and the youth, but for the whole population of the town.
The upgraded infrastructure will be adapted for use by disabled people, as well as by parents with kids in strollers.