18 000 households will benefit as a result of rehabilitation of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation main

Ambassador of USA to Goergia - Mr. Richard Norland, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastucture of Goergia - Mr. Shavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Agricultrue of Georgia – Mr. David Galegashvili,Executive director of Municipality Development Fund of Georgia - George Amashukeli, Director of USAID mission – Mr. Stephen Hikin, Director of United Company of Amelioraiton Systems of Georgia - MR. Vajha Kirtava, Governor of Shida Kartli region – Mr. Zurab Rusishvili and representatives of local government of Gori municipality opened rehabilitated main canal of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation systems.
Rehabilitation of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation system was carried out by Municipality Development Fund of Georgia with the financial support of USAID. The amount of the project exceeds 14 million GEL.
Irrigation system of up to 20 000 hectares of 39 villages have been improved as a result of rehabilitation of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation system and in a total 18 000 households have benefited from it. More than 100 members of local communities have been involved and employed in the irrigation canal rehabilitation process.
Mains of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation systems run along so called borders of occupied territories.
8500 hectares of arable lands of 14 villages will be irrigated as a result of rehabilitation of Tiriphoni irrigation systems; namely - Ergneti, Megvrekisi, Brotsleti, Tirdznisi, Tergvisi, Karbi, Kere, Tkviavi, Plavi, Plavismani, Kveshi, Kitsnisi, Marana, Karaleti.
Rehabilitation of Saltvisi irrigation systems implies rehabilitation of irrigation systems of up to 9700 hectares of 16 villages – Zemo Nikozi, Kvemo Nikozi, Zemo Khviti, Kvemo Khviti, Pkhvenisi, Kelkceula, Shindisi, Akhaldaba, Variani, Variani farm, Sakasheti, Dzlevijvari, Arashenda, Dirbi, Dvani, Takhtisdziri. I addition to the above mentioned villages arable lands of about 10 Ossetian villages will be irrigated as result of rehabilitation of the canal. Tiriphoni main will be fed by water from Patara Liakhvi.
In the conflict zone the project is being implemented by a Georgian Construction Company – “Mshenebeli 80”.
Rehabilitation of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation main covered construction of 31.9 km. length of mains and distribution canals and Karbi head facility; 85 wells have been arranged, 13 units of weirs and water distribution junctions have been constructed.
Big majority of villages of Gori municipality used Tiriphoni irrigation system up to 2008. But after August 2008 war De facto authorities blocked the canal. The villages, left without the water were not able to cultivate lands and grow crops. As a result of rehabilitation of Saltvis-Tiriphoni irrigation main, problem of supply of irrigation water has been fully solved.