2 New 75-Pupil Kindergartens under Construction in Sighnaghi Municipality

The Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is constructing new kindergartens in villages Dzveli Anaga and Kvemo Bodbe of Sighnaghi Municipality. The new pre-school educational facilities are to serve about 150 pupils in all.
After completion of construction works, pupils will be able to attend international standards-compliant kindergartens located in the vicinity of their housing.
Play rooms, bedrooms, toilets and yard area are to be arranged for the kindergartens. The project also provides for improvement of internal and external spaces, recreational zones, service lines, water closets, etc.
Kindergarten buildings are to be adapted to the needs of disabled persons.
The ADB funding for construction of 2 new kindergartens amounts to GEL 7 million.
The Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is undertaking works for construction of 20 kindergartens countrywide. Total cost of this Asian Development Bank-backed Program is equal to GEL 79 million. Following program completion, 2275 pupils in all will benefit from the upgraded infrastructure.