New kindergarten construction in village Sioni

June 1, 2015

MDF implements new kindergarten construction in Kazbegi municipality village Sioni In regards to international child protection day kindergarten construction was visited by MDF first deputy executive director Jaunsher Burchuladze. After project finalization children living in Sioni village will be able to attend new kindergarten. Project is financed from state budget and cost consists of GEL 145999,98. Population is facing problem in this term as currently kindergarten does not exist in the village. As a result of the project finalization mentioned problem will be totally eliminated. 

About 20 workmen are hired on construction works. Project will be finalized by September of current year and from new semester it will be ready to provide services for children.  Due to the absence of kindergarten in village Sioni children are attending so called family type private kindergartens that represents big problem, as required infrastructural conditions for children are not provided by private kindergartens. Besides Sioni population mentioned kindergarten will be attended by children living in two neighboring villages.  

Following are implemented within the framework of the project: Construction of new building, new door-windows, arrangement of new floor, toilets, kitchen canteen, heating system will be installed; power supply, sewerage and water supply systems. Improved infrastructure and clean environment is significant requirement for child upbringing. This is exactly the aim of MDF to provide above mentioned conditions for children which is implemented based on GoG instruction. Project will be finalized in September of current year and kindergarten will be ready to provide services for children.