
March 21, 2016

Rehabilitation of Salkhino-Letsave-Balda Connecting Road has Commenced

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has commenced rehabilitation of the three villages’ connecting road in Martvili Municipality, in particular a 6,5 km long road connecting villages Salkhino-Letsave-Balda is undergoing rehabilitation, the named road has not been subjected to repair for 35 years. Commencement of rehabilitation works was launched by the Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia Mr. Juansher Burchuladze.
March 2, 2016

Landscaping action adjacent to Tbilisi-Rustavi highway

Municipal Development Fund of Georgia is planting various types of seedlings adjacent to Tbilisi-Rustavi highway. Today Minister of regional development and infrastructure Nodar Javakhishvili, first deputy minister Ilia Darchiashvili and MDF executive director Juansher Burchuladze took part into the action. Landscaping action commenced in February and will be finalized by the end of March. Besides adjacent territory of Tbilisi-Rustavi highway landscaping action is scheduled to be conducted on Makhata mountain as well. Within the framework of the action totally 5500 seedlings will be set on both places.
February 24, 2016

Rehabilitation of cultural heritage monuments and tourist center within Ninotsminda monastery complex

Municipal Development Fund of Georgia implements cultural heritage monuments rehabilitation and arrangement of tourist infrastructure within Ninostminda monastery complex. MDF executive director Juansher Burchuladze visited construction site. Rehabilitation of buildings existing on monastery territory as well as arrangement of water supply and sewerage systems are in progress. Meanwhile car parking area and tourist center is under arrangement. Wine cellar existing on monastery complex will be also faced with cobblestones and Georgian bricks.
February 23, 2016

Number 23rd metro station is under construction

Number 23rd metro station is under construction which is implemented by Municipal Development Fund of Georgia. Minister of regional development and infrastructure of Georgia, MDF executive director, ADB central and West Asia department general director Shon Osalivani visited construction works. Tbilisi Mayor Davit Narmania, first deputy minister of regional development and infrastructure and ADB’s permanent representation director Ieshim Elhan –Kaialar also visited construction site, site visit was accompanied with journalists.
February 17, 2016

Monastery Complex and Tourist Infrastructure Rehabilitation Works Ongoing in Davit Gareji

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is implementing the project for rehabilitation of Davit Gareji monastery and its facilities; the project is backed by the World Bank and Government of Georgia. The Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze was visiting the project site. The project aims at contributing to preservation of cultural heritage monuments and assisting in development of tourist infrastructure in Georgia.
February 15, 2016

More than 3000 Inhabitants of Three Frontline Villages will be Provided with 24-hour Water Supply

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has completed rehabilitation of water supply systems in three frontline villages; the project was funded by the World Bank. In particular, water supply systems of Gori Municipality villages Zeda and Kveda Nikozi, and Zemo Khviti underwent rehabilitation under the named project. Project cost amounts to GEL 3,386,397.86. Today, Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze was visiting the project site; he checked quality of construction works and met with the local population.
February 8, 2016

First Aid Medical Clinic under Construction in Village Tkviavi

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is constructing a first aid clinic in the frontline village. Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, Juansher Burchuladze has visited the project site and checked quality of construction works in Gori Municipality Village Tkviavi.
February 4, 2016

The MDF has Donated Snow-plough Equipment to Kazbegi Municipality

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development of Georgia has donated snow-plough and ice-cutting equipment to Kazbegi Municipality. The special equipment is multifunctional and it may be used for cleaning streets during other seasons as well. Cost of equipment amounts to GEL 295,000.00 and it was purchased with financial assistance of the World Bank. The named equipment was handed-over to the Municipality and tested by the Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia Juansher Burchuladze.
December 29, 2015

Nikea street rehabilitation commencement in Kutaisi

MDF has started rehabilitation of Nikea Street in town Kutaisi. Commencement of the works were opened by first deputy minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Ilia Darchiashvili and MDF executive director Juansher Burchuladze. Project is financed by World Bank financial support and cost amounts to GEL 7 mln 200 thousand.
Road pavement of Nikea Street was damaged and amortized which caused permanent traffic jams. As a result of entire rehabilitation and renovation of the street traffic flow movement has significantly improved in town. Accordingly movement will become more safe and comfortable.

December 23, 2015

Tourist Infrastructure Arrangement and Monastery Conservation Works Ongoing in Gelati Monastery

Arrangement of tourist infrastructure by Gelati Monastery and monastery conservation works are under implementation by order of the Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia. The project is backed by the World Bank and Government of Georgia. Today, the First Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili and Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund, Juansher Burchuladze were visiting the project site. The project aims at contributing to conservation of cultural heritage monuments and promotion of touristic infrastructure development in Georgia. Cost of works amounts to GEL 2,5 million.