
February 10, 2017

Football School undergoes reconstruction in Sergieti Village

The Football School undergoes construction by Municipal Development Fund of Georgia on the basis of former collective farm building in Village Sergieti of Martvili Municipality. Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Zurab Alavidze, Majoritarian Deputy for Abasha and Martvili Municipalities Otar Danelia and Authorized Representative of the State to Samegrelo Region Levan Shonia visited construction site.
February 8, 2017

Multifunctional Sports Complex under Construction in Town Khobi

Construction works for the multifunctional sports complex are underway in Town Khobi. Reconstruction-rehabilitation works for the former “Tutarchela” cinema building, which are funded by the EIB are under implementation by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia. Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Zurab Alavidze, Authorized Representative of the State in Samegrelo Region, Levan Shonia andGamgebeli of Khobi, Gocha Kajaia were visiting the project site for inspection of ongoing works.
January 31, 2017

Rehabilitation of Sports Complex Completed in Kaspi

Reconstruction-rehabilitation of the sports complex is completed in Kaspi. Zurab Alavidze, Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Tariel Khechikashvili, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia and Ioseb Okromelidze, Governor of Shida Kartli Region were visiting the project site of completed works implemented with World Bank funding by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia.
January 30, 2017

Rehabilitation of Culture Center in Bakurtsikhe Village finalized

The Culture Center being in Bakurtikhe Village has been completely rehabilitated by co-financing of the Government of Georgia (GoG) and the World Bank (WB). Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Zurab Alavidze, Authorized Representative of the State to Kakheti Region Irakli Kadagishvili, Executive Director of the Fund Galaktion Buadze and Deputy Executive Director of the Fund Davit Tabidze visited the works executed by MDF.
January 29, 2017

Saint Martyr Grigol Peradze House-Museum undergoes construction in Bakurtsikhe Village

Saint Martyr Grigol Peradze House-Museum undergoes construction in Village Bakurtsikhe of Gurjaani Municipality. Restoration of small fragments of the House that are available as of today is impossible, hence the Government of Georgia has decided the conservation works for the ruins to be conducted there and Museum to be built also by efforts of the Municipal Development Fund.
January 27, 2017

Rehabilitation works of secondary roads in village Vazisubani are in progress

Road rehabilitation works financed by European Investment Bank are in progress in Gurjaani municipality village Vazisubani. Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Zurab Alavidze, MDF executive director Galaktion Buadze, Kakheti region governor Irakli Kadagishvili and MDF deputy executive director Davit Tabidze visited rehabilitation works.
January 26, 2017

Rehabilitation Works for Telavi Gorge and Usakhelo Gorge Ongoing in Full Scale

Rehabilitation works for Telavi and Usakhelo Gorges are ongoing concurrently. Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Zurab Alavidze, Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia Galaktion Buadze and Authorized Representative of the State in Kakheti Region Irakli Kadagishvili were visiting the project site for inspection of ongoing works.
January 21, 2017

Rehabilitation Works Ongoing on Chiatura-Skindori Road

Rehabilitation works are ongoing for the several villages’ connecting road in Chiatura Municipality. The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia backed by the European Investment Bank is implementing rehabilitation works for the 6 km road section. Zurab Alavidze – Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure together with the Executive Director of the MDF was visiting the project site.
January 19, 2017

Rehabilitation process of Katski Monastery adjacent territory is in final phase

Municipal Development Fund of the Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia is carrying out restoration-conservation works of cultural heritage monument- Kahtkhi column, as well as arrangement of tourist infrastructure zones adjacent to monastery territory. Works were visited by minster of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia Zurab Alavidze and MDF executive director Galaktion Buadze.
January 18, 2017

Ropeway Rehabilitation Works Commenced in Chiatura

On the instructions of the Government of Georgia, the Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has commenced rehabilitation and reconstruction works for the passanger ropeway transport systems and stations existing in town Chiatura. The project is funded by the Governments of Georgia and France and its total cost averages GEL 40 mln. The Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia – Zurab Alavidze, Governor of Imereti Region – Givi Chichinadze, and Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia – Galaktion Buadze were visiting Chiatura for inspection of construction works.