
February 5, 2019

Winner of Bidding for development of Mtskheta General Layout is identified

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MDF) has completed review-evaluation of bids submitted for the Bidding to develop the General Layout (documentation for town development) for Mtskheta Town.
January 21, 2019

Construction of schools in Georgia begins in 2019

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) conducted an Open Day pertaining to construction of schools and presented in advance the Biddings to be announced, to the Construction Companies.
January 19, 2019

A New Kobi-Gudauri Cable Way is Now Open

Kobi-Gudauri linking cableway covers over 7 km and is to serve 2800 passengers an hour. Location of the referenced route on the northern slope will enable skiers to ski over the ski trail until late spring.
Implementation of one of the most complicated projects from engineering standpoint, took one year.
January 3, 2019

Acceptance of Bids on Development of Mtskheta Masterplan Completed

The Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has completed acceptance of bids submitted by applicants who wish to take part in competitive bidding announced for development of Mtskheta masterplan.
December 31, 2018

54 projects completed by MDF in 2018

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) completed 54 projects and commenced 70 ones in 2018. Amongst the finalized projects there are the large scale ones such as Tskneti-Betania connecting road, damaged as a result of the natural disaster dated June 13th. The very complicated section of the referenced road was built in compliance with the European standards. The modern systems of advance warning were installed there and the works for Vere riverbed formation were finalized. There was built the State Folklore Center in Ozurgeti, Dusheti Central Park was rehabilitated, construction of Kobi-Gudauri cable way of over 7 km length was actually finalized, etc.
December 14, 2018

Stadium Construction Project Commencing in Khashuri

The Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has initiated construction of internationally standardized stadium in Khashuri. Cost of the World Bank funded project averages GEL 5,2 million.
Giorgi Shengelia, Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia and Giorgi Guraspashvili, Mayor of Khashuri discussed project details at the construction site.
December 4, 2018

Bakuriani By-Pass Road Construction Works in Progress

The Municipal Development Fund of Georgia is implementing Bakuriani by-pass road design/construction works. The project is backed by European Investment Bank and its cost exceeds GEL 6 million.   
Giorgi Shengelia, Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia was visiting the project site for inspection of ongoing works. 
November 27, 2018

Internationally Standardized Sports Complex Opened in Village

Giorgi Shengelia, Executive Director of the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia, Sozar Subari, Advisor on Regional Affairs to the Prime Minister of Georgia and Irakli Kadagishvili, Governor of Kakheti Region inaugurated the new internationally standardized sports complex in village Matani. The World Bank funded GEL 1.5 million project was implemented by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia.
November 27, 2018

Well Arrangement Works Initiated in Demarcation Line Bordering Village Atotsi

The Municipal Development Fund of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia has commenced well arrangement works in demarcation line bordering village Atotsi. The MDF is implementing the project for arrangement of chlorination plants and pressure pipeline in conflict zone bordering 17 villages of Gori, Kaspi and Kareli Municipalities.
November 23, 2018

Bidding for Mtskheta General Layout Announced

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) has already announced the Bidding for development of general layout for the city of Mtskheta.